Worldtech Solutions Sdn Bhd is the management process enabler to organisations moving toward digital transformation; focusing on Endpoint Big Data Platform. We warrant digitalisation as the new strategy to maintain the relevancy of the business nature and foster the economic growth.

What Is Endpoints?

Endpoints refer to any device that is connected to either public or private cloud network (VLAN). It can generally be categorised into:


Network Devices

Mobile Devices

Multimedia Devices

Internet of Things

What is nPoints™

At Worldtech, we called our IT solutions as nPoints™ that is derived from 'endpoints' to symbolise that we are committed in taking care all of your devices that are connected to your organisation's network and to remind you of us whenever you require a solution to manage your endpoints. Following is the core idea that drives the design of nPoints™ and keeping it steadfast on track throughout the process that ensures the values:

Emphasise on connectivity, safety, productivity, efficiency, and flexibility.

Cost-saving through digitalisation (Data Exchange).

Automation process to analyse the data to predict, forecast, identify and manage the risks.

Developed and integrated with the cutting-edge technologies.

Why do you need nPoints™

Do you want your workload to be uplifted? Your concerns to be neutralised? The associated cost to be reduced? nPoints will definitely tick all of the boxes as we value complexity in the development process and simplicity in delivering the outcomes to you.

nPoints™ Architecture

nPoints™ provides the ability to gather trusted and updated high-quality data consistently through Data Acquisition technology from a large group of endpoints at scattered locations, then consolidated into a single platform via cloud connectivity.

These data are then processed and analysed by the Data Analytic technology that provides the IT Administrator a total visibility of the organisation's network infrastructure status. This includes endpoints' system information, characteristics, behaviour, capacity and performance, security risks, and auditorial issues. IT Administrator will be alerted via email or pop-up message before the security issues actually happened. Hence, the IT operation environment changes from reactive to proactive support whereby increase overall security level, productivity, and efficiency.

A management dashboard that is customised from Data Visualisation technology is leveraged from Big Data Analytics that has the capability to provide concise and comprehensive Organisation Resources Management Report and Risk & Audit-compliance Management Report to organisation top management or board of director to make decision, policies formulation, strategic and budget plan more accurate and effective.

Altogether, you will be able to assemble comprehensive and complete insights of your organisational operations and digital resources through this nPoints™ Big Data Platform. At the same time, you will be able to analyse the data to predict, forecast, identify, and manage the risks that may jeopardise your organisation.

Digital Transformation Solutions

nPoints™ Risks & Resources Management Services

We offer you the best ten services for you to choose from when you have decided to implement digital transformation process in your organisation through the management of risks and resources of your digital assets.

Who Need It?

Manage, protect, and leverage the endpoints at your organisation with us now. To be eligible for the subscription, you must have at least 500 endpoints.

Government & GLC

Financial Service



nPoints™ Success Story

We have been supporting more than 150 clients that came from diversified industries. We highly appreciate their commitment in creating visibility, credibility and clarity around the values of nPoints™.






Government-linked Company





Financial Service








